In the following you can find information about the design of this website, what is required to view it and what you can do if you encounter any problems:
While the usage of JavaScript might enhance the appearance of a website, it still bears some risk of exploits, even though more and more browsers implement sandboxing mechanisms to protect users from malicious content. We therefore reduced the usage of JavaScript to a minimum, no scripts are loaded into your browser, only a few browser-internal functions are used, e.g. for the fast printing of webpages. This means you will loose almost no functionality when you browse our website with JavaScript disabled.
Instead of JavaScript, our website uses pure CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) menus for easy and convenient navigation. Our code is based on the excellent groundwork done by the Gibson Research Company, with a number of modifications to improve the rendering and reduce the html-code overhead. Your browser must support CSS level 2.1 to make use of this functionality, however this is a standard feature in all modern browsers.
To improve your browsing experience when using smartphones and other mobile devices, we included the "viewport" meta-tag and cascading style sheets optimised for rendering the content on mobile devices, to ensure you can easily access and read the content of our webpages. Unfortunately, most modern mobile devices don't use the style sheets designed for their usage any more, but render the content like a normal PC instead. Therefore we implemented a mechanism to "force" your device into rendering in mobile or standard screen format by using the link "switch to mobile screen mode" and vice versa. This way you can even switch the screen format on your normal desktop or notebook screen, for example when you are using a text-only browser.
While we try our best to make sure our website can be easily used on different platforms and devices, we can not test all possible combinations. So should you face a problem with displaying or using our webpages on your specific device, please send a short email to our webmaster, giving him the following information:
The above information will help us to further improve our website, thank you for your valuable time and support!